The deceased button on NXT needs to prompt certain actions like it does in the database view

It seems to me to be very dangerous to have the deceased button in NXT without it prompting certain actions like it does on the data base view. By design, NXT is being used by people who may not understand the complexities of the database or the implications of clicking that button (for addressee information, constituent ID, and for giving information).

If this button is to be operational in NXT - which is a good idea - then it needs to prompt for certain actions so that the implications of making someone deceased are addressed.

  • Guest
  • Dec 9 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 28, 2017 15:20

    NXT web view must correspond with the classic view , at least in dealing with deceased. When you mark a constituent as deceased, you should get the prompt to make the non-constit spouse a constituent if that is what the business rule is.