This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit RENXT-I-3334 Filters for NXT Lists should include the option of NOT .
I like the NXT lists, but it would be nice if it could have slightly more robust filters. One that I would find extra helpful would be a "not equal to" or "exclude". For instance, I could say gifts between this date and this date, but EXCLUDE all gifts for the Golf Tournament.
This is the same issue as
Can they be linked?
We need this too. I have to create static queries for now and it's not the most efficient way to do it.
Yes, this would help the issue with not having the ability to filter on constituent code dates. Converting an Individual to Organization (for Estates particularly) puts an end date on their constituent codes, so they still show up in lists, even though it's not an active constituent code. If I could exclude Estates, it would mean I wouldn't have to go delete a bunch of old constituent codes. There are a lot of other uses as well.
Yes- this is needed! We use primary and secondary accounts to filter our consitutents and being able to exclude secondary would be helpful and necessary for our list building.
Agree as well. This feature is paramount if the List function will continue to limit table field searches to the first 100 records.
Yes - I agree. It would be great if in List filters you could say "not one of" or "is blank". For example, I need to run a list of high wealth constituents who are not assigned to a gift officer and I cannot do this, yet. Thanks!