RE:NXT volunteer tab

The information that we are wanting to see in the RE:NXT volunteer tab are - emergency contact, emergency contact phone and what type of volunteer they are. These are details that someone would want to look up without the double login.

  • marcia Nguyen
  • Feb 5 2016
  • Attach files
  • Hillary Cote commented
    April 19, 2023 17:06

    I've cross posted this - maybe the volunteer info ideas should be merged together.

    My organization relies on volunteer info more and more. I am pushing them to access this information and add more complex data in database view, with the hope that it ends up in web view. I am anxious that this will all be for naught, because there has been no action on this for years.
    We need to see if our alumni are volunteering, what their volunteer interests are, and if they are active. We are starting to track who are participating on professional boards across campus, and who are mentoring our students.
    This information does not pull in Constituent Lists, which makes it difficult, because even though the data exists, the team that needs it most - Alumni Engagement, relies on Advancement Services to pull simple lists, and save the information in a Static Query. The same info has to be pulled again and again to refresh the web view information.

  • Elena Fedosova commented
    June 29, 2020 09:57

    Seems like this has been required for many years already. What has been done? Blackbaud, when it will be visible in NXT view?

  • Alex Oakley commented
    December 06, 2019 14:29

    Please add this feature! We've had to start using a constituent code to show which committee and boards people are on. It was a lot of extra work on our part and it forces us to create duplicate entries into the database.

  • Dina Ellis commented
    March 07, 2019 18:34

    I agree with McKenzie Diehm's comment - we are in the same situation.  What work-around (if any) is there for this problem?  

  • Guest commented
    August 01, 2018 00:52

    For vol co-ordinators, would be great to utilise the mobile friendly nature of NXT and expose volunteer info, partic emergency contacts, so that if a vol has a problem out and about, the co-ordinator has easy access to emergency info.

  • McKenzie Diehm commented
    February 02, 2018 15:03

    We track groups of which our constituents are members of in the "General" screen on the "Volunteer" tab in database view.  However, none of that information is transmitted into web view.  For us, it is imperative information that our fundraisers must be easily able to see.

  • Susan Leslie commented
    January 12, 2018 20:28

    We use the volunteer general tab to keep track of each committee/volunteer group that our constituents are members of.  It allows us to see start dates and finish dates and why they are no longer volunteering.  The constituent codes or the attributes do not allow to keep that information correctly to be queried upon correctly.

  • Matthew Nareff commented
    August 16, 2016 16:10

    We keep a lot of information in the volunteer types, like committees someone's served on or if they're on the parents association.  They're not constituent codes and we don't want to make them ccs.  We'd like this information to appear on the volunteer panel.