See all Job Assignments on the Volunteer tab in NXT

To be able to review all Job Assignments in NXT without switching to database view. Set it up the same way the Events Tab is in NXT where you can see all the events and then summary field like there are for volunteer hours, have how many job assignments, how many years that spans.

  • Kris Proctor
  • Jul 31 2020
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    • Hillary Cote commented
      April 19, 2023 17:06

      My organization relies on volunteer info more and more. I am pushing them to access this information and add more complex data in database view, with the hope that it ends up in web view. I am anxious that this will all be for naught, because there has been no action on this for years.
      We need to see if our alumni are volunteering, what their volunteer interests are, and if they are active. We are starting to track who are participating on professional boards across campus, and who are mentoring our students.
      This information does not pull in Constituent Lists, which makes it difficult, because even though the data exists, the team that needs it most - Alumni Engagement, relies on Advancement Services to pull simple lists, and save the information in a Static Query. The same info has to be pulled again and again to refresh the web view information.

    • Deb Dressely commented
      September 01, 2021 16:54

      To keep our gift officers up to date and in NXT web view we really need to be able to see complete volunteer information. First and last assignment is not enough.