Ability to view / display the business rules like you can in RE7 when opening a record. For example showing a warning sign if the constituent is on the advisory board when you first open a record.
We are now in 2022 and still cannot apply a business rule in NXT why?? Just found out that mailing attributes business rules in DB does not flow through to NXT and cannot set up business rules in NXT. I thought NXT was suppose to save time and be user friendly it is not turning out that way in the last 6 months. Why only some businesss rules come through. If in DB view all these and others should automatically flow through not just bits and pieces
This would be extremely helpful for our organization for identifying constituents. Blackbaud please at least make the Database View RE and Web View RE NXT synchronize and work together and display the same information. Maybe the business rule could be translated to an alert in RE NXT or something. Blackbaud has a long way to go to make RE NXT be a user friendly platform.
Our organisation use user defiend business rules pop up to alert users when they open a record belong to a service user, a major donor, etc. These pop up messages are especially important for us, as it immediately alerts users about how to approach or not approach a service user or supporter.
Having this business rules pop up in NXT will be really useful for us!
Just bumping this up as yesterday I had a conversation with blackbaud support and they suggested starting an idea for it - but it already exists here.
Any news Blackbaud? thank you. Currently we have to add what show up from the business rules in to each constituent manually as an alert, but this is far from ideal. Thanks!
Our organization has a small visitor component (~20,000 visitors per year), and we use business rules for opening records to alert the volunteers and interns who welcome guests that some are VIPs (Board Directors, major donors, members of our legacy giving society, etc,). When the pop up appears, it tells the interns whom to notify that this particular guest has arrived, including that staff member’s phone extension. The pop-ups are only visible to our visitor program staff and volunteers, so they aren’t annoying to development staff who regularly open the records to add actions, notes, gifts, etc. This has become a very important tool for us to cultivate important donors or prospects! I see we can add alerts, but that would be an onerous task to add to each individual record. At the moment I am working with our visitor program staff to begin introducing them to NXT (they remained in the database view because we launched NXT in the middle of our visitor season and all agreed it was easier to stick with what we know!), and they are excited about the much more user friendly interface, but this question arose and I am concerned it could stall their adoption. We need the business rule option to work in NXT!
I rely on business rules in db view and feel they are a key feature needed in webview!
We are now in 2022 and still cannot apply a business rule in NXT why?? Just found out that mailing attributes business rules in DB does not flow through to NXT and cannot set up business rules in NXT. I thought NXT was suppose to save time and be user friendly it is not turning out that way in the last 6 months. Why only some businesss rules come through. If in DB view all these and others should automatically flow through not just bits and pieces
5-years later and this is still not a 'thing'?! Am I missing something?? Why would a business rule not display in web view?? Argh...
Please implement this feature.
This original post is from 2017, still not available?
Seems that it should be a basic option, If an organization wants a rule to pop up in database view why not in NXT?
I just discovered this issue! Wow. Blackbaud, any updates?
This would be extremely helpful. For example when someone has an overdue action a note pops up when users go to that record.
This would be extremely helpful for our organization for identifying constituents. Blackbaud please at least make the Database View RE and Web View RE NXT synchronize and work together and display the same information. Maybe the business rule could be translated to an alert in RE NXT or something. Blackbaud has a long way to go to make RE NXT be a user friendly platform.
We also use business rules for VIPs and if the record should not be used for specific reasons. This is very important to be shown in NXT.
Agreed - we need this & fast!
Our organisation use user defiend business rules pop up to alert users when they open a record belong to a service user, a major donor, etc. These pop up messages are especially important for us, as it immediately alerts users about how to approach or not approach a service user or supporter.
Having this business rules pop up in NXT will be really useful for us!
We also use business rules to highlight important alerts, like do-not-contacts or board members. Please implement business rules in NXT.
Just bumping this up as yesterday I had a conversation with blackbaud support and they suggested starting an idea for it - but it already exists here.
Any news Blackbaud? thank you. Currently we have to add what show up from the business rules in to each constituent manually as an alert, but this is far from ideal. Thanks!
Our organization has a small visitor component (~20,000 visitors per year), and we use business rules for opening records to alert the volunteers and interns who welcome guests that some are VIPs (Board Directors, major donors, members of our legacy giving society, etc,). When the pop up appears, it tells the interns whom to notify that this particular guest has arrived, including that staff member’s phone extension. The pop-ups are only visible to our visitor program staff and volunteers, so they aren’t annoying to development staff who regularly open the records to add actions, notes, gifts, etc. This has become a very important tool for us to cultivate important donors or prospects! I see we can add alerts, but that would be an onerous task to add to each individual record. At the moment I am working with our visitor program staff to begin introducing them to NXT (they remained in the database view because we launched NXT in the middle of our visitor season and all agreed it was easier to stick with what we know!), and they are excited about the much more user friendly interface, but this question arose and I am concerned it could stall their adoption. We need the business rule option to work in NXT!