Add Solicitor to available Columns in event participant listings. Allow to filter on solicitor.

In RE NXT Events when an event is open and you are working on or displaying  participants you cant not see the entered solicitor unless you open and individual participants record.  

  • Meredith Saluzzo
  • Apr 30 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Graziela Baia commented
      June 12, 2024 10:36

      The whole events team has stopped using NXT because of this, please implement. Thanks!

    • Ryan Carr commented
      January 18, 2022 15:39

      I am shocked this isn't available yet, it is a crucial data field when having gift officers follow up with their assignments. It makes more work for the team to have to cobble lists together.

    • Jerica Price commented
      March 18, 2021 13:41

      The participant solicitor is a helpful field because it can be controlled outside of the constituent's solicitor. We sometimes use a different person to recruit for an event than who the constituent is currently assigned to. Since it is a field in the database view, it would be helpful to use that in the participant listing.

    • Jessica Poprocki commented
      October 14, 2020 17:07

      It would be very helpful to have a solicitor option appear as a column with the registrants. Being able to select the type of solicitor would be good since we use pirmary manager most frequently.

    • Tommy Horner commented
      October 14, 2020 17:00

      I like the idea of being able to choose which type of solicitor you want to see. For example, our events team would most likely want to see what we have coded as the "Primary Manager" solicitor rather than all solicitors for an individual. But on other occasions we may want to see something different. Being able to filter which record shows would be helpful.

    • Clarisse Reynoso commented
      October 02, 2019 05:27

      All active solicitors would work well.

    • Shannon Moats commented
      September 09, 2019 18:08

      All active fundraisers would be fantastic with the fundraiser type also showing.  In addition, we have actually found it helpful for trustee involvement to include the trustee as the solicitor on the participant record to show who specifically invited them to the event. So we have found that additional field also useful.

    • Scott Singletary commented
      September 08, 2019 15:52

      All current fundraisers from my perspective


      *Scott Singletary*

      *Senior Director of Development*

      Office of Advancement

      714.927.0936 Office

      714.875.5671 Cell

    • Tracy Rolston commented
      September 06, 2019 20:46

      With the new event registration tag you get to see who registered for an event but you have to open the constituent record to see which event they registered for, so either the assigned solicitor listed in the events or the event name to go along with the tag, as an option on the columns in list view.

    • Matt Haynes commented
      September 06, 2019 16:58

      Everyone's comments are great - personally being able to see the participant solicitor as one column - which pulls from db view for just that event, but then as a separate column have assigned fundraisers and display their types as well.  That would give the best of both worlds. 

    • Crystal Shreve commented
      September 06, 2019 16:45

      All active fundraisers would be great since our events generally involve multiple types of fundraisers. 

      If we can eventually filter by type (as you can now do in lists) that would be a good upgrade down the road. 

    • Sunshine Reinken Watson commented
      September 06, 2019 15:49

      We need to see the participant solicitor, which is a field in the particpant record in the database view. This is different from solicitors/fundraisers assigned to the constituent, though it would be nice to see that too!

    • Keri Barnhart commented
      September 06, 2019 15:47

      Yes, in an ideal world, we would like to be able to select which solicitors we want to see, but absolutely all active solicitors would be helpful. The big thing is helping them see who in their portfolio has RSVPed (or hasn't RSVPed yet) or have attended, so they can craft the appropriate communications.

    • Katie Hendrickson commented
      September 06, 2019 15:45

      All fundraiser/solicitor types, please! It is tough for our different fundraisers to comb through an entire event list to see who from their portfolios is on the list. 

    • Krista Lippert commented
      September 06, 2019 15:45

      In an ideal world, I'd like to see specific solicitor types but all active types would work too

    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      September 06, 2019 15:42

      Hi! We are gathering more information related to future work on this subject I'd be interested in hearing if you'd like to see all current fundraisers in the Participant list, or a specific category of fundraisers only? Since fundraiser/solicitor type is a user defined code table, this is where its gets a little difficult - so any additional info anyone voting on this could add will be helpful!

      Samantha McGuin
      Principal Product Manager, Events

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