User Settings & Filters

As the Database Administrator, with Supervisor Rights in RE:7, I would like to be able to set other user's User Options and Filters for them.  Just like setting up RE:NXT for all our users, which I did by gathering everyone together and spending 20 minutes dealing with invitations and sign-in information (with the assistance of IT staff), this is something I would like to be able to do for them rather than write out lengthy directions, expect them to figure it out on their own, or sit with each one to set up options and filters.  For future, it would be great (and has been mentioned before by others) to be able to get user access to NXT set up for them without needing access to their email and BB passwords.  Anything a DBA can do to save time for Fundraisers is a good thing...particularly for one-time-only tasks or anything that requires a lengthy explanation.

  • Jen Claudy
  • Apr 29 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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