Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit RE7-I-3670 Add the ability to create one action for multiple constituents in NXT.

Select more than one contact on an action Merged

We often meet with more than one contact at a time. We would like to add all the contacts in a meeting on the action record, similar to the way multiple solicitors can be added.

  • Sunshine Watson
  • Aug 23 2017
  • Shipped
  • Gary Cook commented
    March 22, 2018 15:12

    Of all the proposed updates, this would be the most helpful in adapting RE NXT to our business needs!

  • Rebecca Kendall commented
    October 03, 2017 12:57

    Also, to give more detail, this needs to be developed so that the action will appear on every constituent record that is listed on the action. Not just the record on which the action is initially added. 

  • Rebecca Kendall commented
    October 03, 2017 12:49

    We absolutely need this functionality.

  • Kathleen Eastman commented
    September 11, 2017 13:56

    This would be very helpful. I agree and vote yes!

  • Kathleen Eastman commented
    September 11, 2017 13:55

    This would def be very helpful. I vote yes!

  • Guest commented
    August 30, 2017 08:29

    Wonderful Suggestion. Team NYUAD AGREES and would value this addition to the program being built

  • +128