Last X days for Constituent giving in "Within this period" drop down box for filters

We have a Constituent List built in RE NXT for tracking recent gifts, but unfortunately, within the Constituent ->Giving -> 'Within this period' drop down you cannot select "Last X days" like you can in the Gift List settings (specifically in Gift Basics -> Gift Date).  With the current Constituent Giving 'Within this period' options available of "Last Week", "This Week", and "Yesterday", among others, we are unable to capture a gift made on a Friday when viewing the list on a Monday.  We do not want to have to view a larger time frame of giving (i.e. monthly or quarterly) because this will provide too many results.  Plus, you run the risk of missing someone that gave at the end of the month or quarter! 

Please provide the ability to enter a custom "X" number of days to look back at gift date in the Constituent -> Giving -> "Within this period" drop box in RE NXT.  In other words, extend some of the functionality from the Gift list filters to the Constituent list (and vice versa), as the Gift list is lacking in the ability to handle actions and other constituent-centric information.

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  • Jun 22 2017
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    • Kevyn Barnes commented
      February 05, 2024 06:25

      "Last 30 days" and "Last 7 days" would be extremely useful for workflows and for fundraiser custom lists.

      An alternative would be to allow "one of" options like DBV query allows ("One of: This week/Last week"; "One of: This month/Last month")

    • Rachel Cavalier commented
      July 19, 2021 12:25

      This would be especially useful now that workflows are a thing in NXT