Enable "Gift Date Prior to" Specific Date in Lists

In Lists, while trying to filter by "Last Gift Date" function, there is no way to request, [Last Gift Prior to mm/dd/yyy.]

When trying to prospect and look for people who gave a first gift of $X, and are recent donors, we don't have a way of pulling this through NXT Lists.

We can pull all people who have given recently: Using the ["Last Gift =Specific Range.]
However, this is NOT helpful, because NXT lists don't allow the amount of requests like the Query function. We cannot use both First Gift is $X and Last Gift was prior to.

1. I have to build the list of donors whose first gift was greater than $X.
2. I have to exclude donors who are not recent, because NXT does not allow more than one gift filter per List.
3. I can't pull non-recent donors, because Last Gift will only pull recent donors, and there is no greater than/less than (or prior/after.) This means I cannot exclude them.

If I build a static query in RE7, then could do this entire query in one, and it would have been faster than the amount of time I've spent in NXT, but I would like to be able to utilize the database my colleagues work in, so that they have functioning Lists.

I know there have been multiple requests additional operators, but to me it just seems like queries are a major function of any database, and if we can't recall our data, there's no point in having any data. We're not getting out what we put in.

  • Hillary Cote
  • Jan 27 2023
  • Attach files