Opportunity Summary in List

There's a section in Opportunities to add a Summary Note but you can't add it as a column in an Opportunity List.  There is a column you can add that's called Opportunity Summary but it's only the Title and Purpose.  Please add the ability to include the Summary Note and then re-name the current Opportunity Summary option.  Calling two different things the Opportunity Summary is confusing.

  • Matthew Nareff
  • Apr 20 2017
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    • Suzie Capps commented
      December 14, 2022 16:44

      We were very surprised to find that this isn't possible and it causing serious problems. Our fundraisers all have to continue using queries in RE7 to see lists of their open Opportunities (proposals) with Summary notes, since these notes are crucial to monitoring where an Opportunity is at... Seems absurd that you can't get this out of Lists in web view..

    • Amy Reynolds commented
      October 22, 2020 16:58

      The lack of ability to include a column for Opportunity Summary note in lists/output has become a significant problem for us. In a campaign this field has become key. From what I see, it seems to be the only opportunity field that isn't a column option. For listing/reporting purposes in NXT, I don't see a better place to store the opportunity summary note info, so we go back to the database for that one field, taking unnecessary time of ops staff. It appears this has been on the suggestion list for 3 years, is there a chance it has risen near the top yet? Thanks