Make the header scroll bar static

When you have many constituents which require you to scroll down to see them all, and also many columns which require you to scroll right to see everything, the head scroll bar is not static. So if you are down at the end of your list and need to see columns to the right of the viewing area, you have to scroll all the way back to the top, scroll over, then scroll back down. It's cumbersome and unnecessary. Please keep the head scroll bar stationary. 

  • Kendra Hukill
  • Mar 23 2017
  • Attach files
  • Kendra Hukill commented
    March 24, 2017 23:28

    I should clarify that the scroll bar IS static when looking someone's portfolio, but is not for any of the other areas (Gifts, Actions, Opportunities and Unassigned). Clearly an oversight on the developers end.