I came here to make this very suggestion! I've been ecstatic all morning because of the ability of the Optimized forms to accept Paypal/Venmo/Apple Pay/etc. and really wanted to get all of our forms including our tribute form switched over to the optimized forms. They are so sleek and user friendly. Adding the ability to accept tributes would make them perfect! But I guess I'll keep our tribute form in OLX for now.
I came here to make this very suggestion! I've been ecstatic all morning because of the ability of the Optimized forms to accept Paypal/Venmo/Apple Pay/etc. and really wanted to get all of our forms including our tribute form switched over to the optimized forms. They are so sleek and user friendly. Adding the ability to accept tributes would make them perfect! But I guess I'll keep our tribute form in OLX for now.