See more info on Opportunites when linking an Action

From within "edit" in an Action, the Opportunities drop down just lists ALL opportunities for this person, including ones that are in the past and already funded. Is there a way to only have the current/future opportunities for a person show in that drop down? Or even to show Ask Date in addition to Opportunity Name, which would help me choose the correct one. Thank you!

  • Susanne Larsen
  • Mar 2 2017
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Eric Baerg commented
      March 16, 2017 15:06

      I'd much rather have all options available.  Sometimes we need to make historical changes or do cleanup on old records that may not have been done correctly.  I do like the idea about being able to see more info about the opportunities, though, such as dates/amounts.