Make Opportunity fields available as column choice

When viewing a list of donors assigned to  fundraiser(s), having the option to see a column of active opportunities would be helpful for gift officers to see which donors don't have a planned opportunity yet.

  • Jerica Price
  • Feb 12 2020
  • Attach files
  • Nicole Solano commented
    10 Jan 17:20

    Looks like there are multiple related ideas with several votes on each. Has anyone heard any updates from Blackbaud on this?

  • Nicole Solano commented
    10 Jan 16:31

    Making sure each assigned donor has a planned opportunity is a requirement for our major gift officers. It would be incredibly helpful to see a column on the Work Center Portfolio list that shows active Opportunities so you could filter to see who may be missing one. Either that or the ability to use flags for this.

  • Stephanie Toms commented
    October 13, 2020 13:11

    Agreed! This should be added as a column choice for constituent lists and also a column choice in the work center on the portfolio tab. It should also be a field that can be exported from a constituent list or the work center portfolio tab.