View/filter Prospect Insights Data from Work Center and Lists

Include Prospect Insights giving indicators, Major Giving Likelihood, Target Gift Range, and giving to other organizations as columns and filters in Lists and Work Center.

Use any filters from constituent, giving, action, etc records to filter with the Prospect Insights data. View the prospect's data where the fundraiser is--the Work Center--on a regular basis without having to access Prospect Insights.

Use Cases:

1) A fundraiser is traveling and wants to view prospects with Major Giving Likelihood and Target Gift Range scores to visit.

2) Invite prospects to an event based on capacity, not just based on giving history.

3) View a list or (ideally be notified) when a donor gives a gift that is less than their Target Gift Range. They have greater capacity so may want to steward them with more high touch efforts than their gift typically requires. Focus on their capacity and their future potential, not just current giving.

  • Shelley Weifenbach
  • Sep 25 2023
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    August 22, 2024 21:57

    Agreed. This would also help with organizations like ours who are new to Prospect Insights and need a way to filter and prioritize our thousands of "Untapped" prospects, based on a multitude of criteria (location, giving, relationships, etc)