More mobile friendly registration form

The online event registration form works pretty well but is not fully formatted for mobile users. Can you please integrate a more mobile-friendly format for our online users to easily (no moving their fingers side to side) register for events?

  • Emily Phillips
  • Mar 14 2023
  • Shipped
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  • Admin
    Kimberly Hammer commented
    29 Jan 18:48

    Thank you for your feedback. Our goal is to make online registration forms mobile responsive, however the original ticket selector in the form is was not responsive and caused constituents to have to move the form side-to-side.

    We released an update today to the ticket selector that makes it responsive, so the whole form is now mobile responsive. We hope this improves your constituents' experiences. If run into any issues with your forms, please report them to Support so we can help resolve them.

  • Guest commented
    December 19, 2023 18:24

    The mobile registration form does not work for NXT event forms. When you click submit, the wheel spins for (now that I've tested it a few times) 10 minutes or more, and may never resolve. It renders the registration form unusable for many users, because so much web-use is mobile for people nowadays. It's a must-fix.

  • Guest commented
    October 12, 2023 21:25

    I have submitted a ticket, but they have pushed back and said I could submit it as a suggestion. This isn't a suggestion. This is an urgent breakage that is causing a WCAG & ADA compliance issue. I recommend everyone putting pressure on Blackbaud to fix this ASAP.