One of the challenges of keeping everything digital with invites are paper invites. As soon as an invitation goes from a digital copy to a paper copy all matters of tracking events digitally become significantly more tedious. A QR code can quickly solve that problem. Recipients could scan their codes via their phones and the registration process remains digital. Easy peasy!
Ticketing options with a scannable code would be a game changer for our bigger events!
This would be a game changer.
QR codes issued to guests upon registration for check in at the door would likewise be helpful for large events.
We currently cannot do registration for our biggest gala events through NXT because we have to have something scannable to let people in the gate of our facility. This means we have to import all of these gifts from another system. Please add QR codes/scannable codes to event registrations ASAP!
This would definitely be helpful.
At present, Event registration is very hands-on and slows the guest experience. Our older constituents are comfortable with this, but as the demographics change, we are running into more surprise that we still have to print and mail numbered tickets, hand-assigned to individual attendees in the database, and it's not at all possible in NXT.
Agree totally! This would speed up the registration process immensely!
Agree! And it just makes the check-in process more efficient for events where we need volunteers to do the check-in.