Solicitor/Team Performance Toward Goals

In the RE Database view, we are able to see at a glance a solicitor's (fundraiser) goal and how much they have raised to date toward that goal. In the RE NXT view, however, it only shows the list of fundraisers and their goals - not how much they have raised toward their goal. It would be useful to be able to see at a glance how much a fundraiser has raised toward their individual goals. I have team captains, execs, etc., who manage teams of fundraisers and want to know how they are doing and what progress they are making individually. Again, this view is available in RE7, so it is odd to not have it available in RE NXT. It seems an easy fix - the fundraisers and their goals are already there in the view, just not what they have raised. It would be incredibly helpful to have this added. Thank you! 

  • Kyle Carroll
  • Dec 21 2016
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