Accept International Donations through NXT

We love the ease of web view (donation forms and batch approvals). We are supported by donors in all 50 states and 58 countries and previously ended our subscription with Classy which was accepting all of our international donations since the form through web view (NXT) does not.

Now that our subscription has ended, we must accept all of our donations through the database view form (OLX). This is cumbersome: less user friendly/intuitive, less functionality, cannot complete soft credits, linking and editing gift information, etc. This is a whole new layer of work with a small staff. We need to catch a break with Blackbaud and the processes we're forced to fit into.

UPDATE: We've also just learned that we cannot view the gift notes which is vital to our stewardship. We have truly gone backwards—now adding more work to our already overwhelmed plates.

  • Elissa Rowley
  • Jun 8 2022
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    • Admin
      Juliana Lawson commented
      July 08, 2022 17:47

      Hello everyone!

      All countries are now available for addresses on the donation form for all countries where the donation form is available. There is also a "type ahead" address search available. This will help donors to quickly get through the form and assist with getting their address in an acceptable format for mailing.

    • Guest commented
      June 13, 2022 14:56

      UPDATE: We're thrilled this is now "planned" for implementation. Something we just learned today? A longtime monthly donor from Ireland just switched to the OLX form an cannot use ACH payment (Ireland banks do not have routing numbers).

      Per support: "International donors can ONLY use a credit card to donate. Only donors from the U.S. and Canada can use ACH as a payment method."

    • Elissa Rowley commented
      June 10, 2022 16:55

      Thank you for this confidence-inspiring news—we really need this!

      Re: Gift comments/notes (aka comments made by the donor at the time of donation) is what I was referring to. Since switching to OLX requires we approve batches in database view. Including a column of gift comments/notes is important to our stewardship. Per support, this isn't possible when approving batches in database view. Until NXT accepts international donations, my coworker must look up each individual gift to view the associated notes—a big added step from NXT batch approvals. I hope that makes sense.

    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      June 10, 2022 15:26

      Hello, thank you for your idea submission! We are planning to add support for international donations in the next few weeks, so keep an eye on the What's New for that announcement.

      I wasn't sure if your comment on the gift note pertains to gift comments or the gift notes in webview. Gift comment is a field that can be pulled into the NXT donation form for donors to fill out; these show up in batch and also on the gift record in webview. Gift notes on the gift record are not currently able to be managed in webview.

      Samantha McGuin
      Principal Product Manager