Ability to Add Countries to Donation Form Designer

Currently the new donation form designer in NXT only allows donations from donors in the United States.  We frequently receive donations online from other countries, and need to be able to add other country options to our donation forms (like Canada, Mexico, etc.)  Please add the ability to select additional countries on donation form designer as soon as possible. Thanks! 

  • Lily Barger
  • Nov 4 2019
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    • Kerry Eshenaur commented
      September 15, 2022 17:11

      Will the event form in NXT get this functionality as well. We need that form to also be able to have international addresses for registrants.

    • Guest commented
      June 28, 2022 15:02

      Hi Juliana, how/where will we see the countries show up? Would it show up in the preview, or do we have to embed the form in order to be able to tell whether we have the countries?

    • Juliana Lawson commented
      June 27, 2022 17:34

      Hi Gwen and Andrea,

      We are aware of needing this for registration forms too. Unfortunately, the donation from work can't be extended, but it is on the list for registration forms.

      I just took a look at the "Idea" list over in events and didn't see this one. If you get a chance adding it there helps to move it up in priority.

    • Gwen Williams commented
      June 23, 2022 13:15

      Hi Juliana - great news! I second Andrea's concerns as well about the event forms. We hold a conference that is online and open to anyone and it has created a lot of confusion with the event form registration only being available for US folks. Hoping this fix will also extend to event registrations?

    • Juliana Lawson commented
      June 22, 2022 22:50


      We are getting closer. If you voted on this idea and you've created at least one donation form you should see all countries within the week. It could be as early as tomorrow.


    • Andrea Scapinello commented
      June 02, 2022 16:08

      Thanks for attending to this quickly. The restriction of countries also impacts for form for registering for events. We use the events form to register participants for retreats. We have participants from all over the world. We need the ability for someone from any country to add in their address correctly on the events form.

    • Gwen Williams commented
      May 27, 2022 13:21

      Best news all month! This has been a significant issue for us with 25% of our donors outside of the country. This will make using NXT forms usable, especially great news as we launch a subscription membership program for our extra content.

    • Juliana Lawson commented
      May 26, 2022 21:44


      We are very close to releasing all countries in the donation form. It is now available in Canada, Austrailia, and New Zealand. The United States is next. It could be weeks if all goes well.

    • Guest commented
      April 21, 2022 20:42

      I see that Juliana said this was going to be available, we would like to have a time line please? This is not something that we should have to wait on, like it has been said before we are living in a time where international giving is very common. This should have been identified as a major need long ago and fixed quickly.

    • Zeke Huish commented
      March 22, 2022 05:55

      I'm not sure why for us in Australia as users we were invited to sign up and take part in the training webinar for the new Donation Form Designer feature, and it is enabled on our NXT system, only to find out that we can't use it because it only works for American users?

    • Jelani Watson commented
      March 21, 2022 16:21

      Hi Juliana,

      I see that this is a planned update. But is there a timeline on when we can expect to see this change? We have many international donors, and this issue is a main reason why we have not switched over from the OLX donation form.

    • Juliana Lawson commented
      September 07, 2021 20:18

      Hi Gwen,

      That is the drawback, the address entered with the payment (if it's required) is not available. We are working on making the address optionally required on the form so that non-US customers could bypass it. This is not the final solution.

      Eventually the donor will be able to pick their country.


    • Gwen Williams commented
      July 20, 2021 13:25

      Hi Juliana--that's an interesting idea. Would we be able to capture any donor address information then if it is only entered in the payment processing screen?

    • Juliana Lawson commented
      July 19, 2021 23:19

      There is a way to allow donors from outside the United States to donate. If you remove the address field from the form, in Blackbaud Checkout the donor will have the opportunity to enter there address, only if needed for their payment type. Be aware that addresses collected in Blackbaud Checkout as part of a payment will not save it to the RE7 database.

      While this is not the long term solution, it will allow donations outside of the United States.

    • Guest commented
      May 12, 2021 16:58

      We have disappointed donors as well. They were not able to make a donation IMO of their deceased brother. I am shocked this has not been taken care AND has been questioned since 2019! I am actually rather surprised this is even an issue. Agreeing with anthother comment, our world is very global.

    • Gwen Williams commented
      January 25, 2021 20:59

      We are blessed with many donors from other countries and this made NXT donation forms completely unusable for us. Very disappointed--OLX forms are very difficult and counterintuitive to use. Our world is now global, not local--time to get with the program!

    • Jenny Sellers commented
      December 09, 2020 21:05

      Agree! It's strange to me that this doesn't already exist, and it keeps us stuck in the OLX outdated forms. Please updates ASAP - it's been a year since the NXT donation forms were released without this update. Many thanks!

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