Make payment method table customisable

Please make the gift payment method table customisable, or at least add Apple Pay and Google Pay. We currently have to record this as a gift attribute, which is extremely frustrating and adds extra data entry points.

  • Jenny Mulcock
  • Jun 2 2022
  • Attach files
  • Tania Pinard commented
    02 Dec 18:30

    Other is just becoming too wide for us. We have to add a note to categorize wire transfert and Acces D, for example.

  • Arianna Sikorski commented
    07 Mar 22:23

    Please! Stock Transfer, Wire Transfer, and any others listed below. Let us add payment methods!

  • Cathy Spencer commented
    10 Jan 19:40

    Yes please! ACH, EFT and Money Order will be great as well.

  • Guest commented
    October 03, 2023 20:03

    Yes please, hoping vote will go up and this will become real :) OR just add a new field for us as "Payment Method" and don't make the "Pay method" as required.

  • Amy Pierzchala commented
    August 14, 2023 15:54

    Yes we need ApplePay, Google Pay, ACH, Money Order, and Wire Transfer/ETF