Click to refresh static query in lists.

When an NXT list is based on a static query, it takes a trip behind the curtain into database view to refresh the data -- or a subscription to QUEUE to have it refreshed periodically. It would save a lot of hassle to be able to just click on the name of the "Starting from" query at the top of the list to have it refreshed.

  • Gary Cook
  • Mar 9 2022
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Leah R commented
      February 24, 2023 19:12

      Looks like it won't be implemented - see explanation: RENXT-I-304 / New idea

      Refresh Button on ALL List Types (and wherever else applicable/possible)
      Another way around this would be to add more field and filter options when building lists in NXT view so we wouldn't have to use static lists as a starting point when what we really want is dynamic lists.

    • Leah R commented
      February 24, 2023 19:08

      Same as RENXT-I-4912

      Refresh static query when using it to create a list in Webview

    • Gary Cook commented
      November 02, 2022 20:22

      Actually, you just need to duplicate the "Refresh" option in Action Lissts for Constituent lists.