Copy To Search function should search all name fields and be dynamic; Spouse Name in the Alias should not be prioritized over the Spouse Name from Relationship record in search

When searching for constituents to copy actions to with the new Copy To feature, the search function prioritizes Alias fields over actual Spouse Name fields in the Relationship record.

A Gift Officer at my organization was searching for a Spouse by their First Name + Last Name (e.g. Mandy Dyman) to copy to and got no results. Only when searching in reverse by Last Name + First Name (e.g. Dyman Mandy) did the constituent appear. Upon investigation, this was because the Spouse Name field in the Alias section had their name entered in the Last Name + First Name format. The name was entered correctly in the actual Spouse Name fields within the Spouse relationship. So, this tells me that the search function is first looking at the Alias and stopping if it doesn't find a match rather than looking at Alias AND Spouse Name fields.

The regular search function for constituents is dynamic and seems to search all relevant fields, so whatever coding is utilized for that search should also be used for the search field within the Copy To function.

  • Paris Thibault
  • Nov 17 2021
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