Need edits on "copied actions" to flow through all the connected copies

Happy for the new functionality. However, it would be better if it truly functioned relationally as one action record shared by multiple constituents so that when that one action is edited to make a correction, add a forgotten fundraiser, etc. that edit would be present for all the constituents sharing the action. Instead, the copy action functionality seemingly creates separate action records for each constituent. Therefore, if you go back and make an edit to any of them, you have to manually go and edit all the others one at a time. If you don't know all the records that need updated off the top of your head, you have to create a list or query to find them all again. This functionality would be much improved if it behaved relationally, but it doesn't. Request to have it reworked so that Edit also were applied to all the actions created via a "copy." Might need to add a common key that connects them?

  • Kathy Ballew
  • Nov 3 2021
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