RENXT WebView gift entry

When a gift is made from a form created in RENXT WebView there are many issues that arise:

1.) Unable to pull a report without first approving the batch:

  • It would be ideal to export and review the gifts prior to approving and adjusting them in the WebView gift management. When you can look at the gifts altogether (ex. Excel file) with all information line-Itemed out it is easier to decide if the gifts can be approved instead of sifting through each gift one by one this process is incredibly time-consuming and frustrating.

  • There is also no way to tell what the gift is for. Example: We had a golf tournament with different options to donate: Ticket, foursome, raffle prize, donation, sponsor etc. There was no way to see what the donation was, only an amount. My organization separates the money by appeals so that reporting can be segmented out for where the money came in. The only way I was able to see what their gift was for was by going back to the notification email. As you can imagine this was incredibly time-consuming when this information could have been summarized in a report or as a note on the gift. You should not approve something prior to adjusting it to see where it be entered and that where the issue lies, more information needs to be available and easily summarized.

2.) A new record is created prior to being approved by anyone.

  • RENXT WebView creates a new record if there is any differing information whether that person is already in the database or not. For example, if the email is different, or if there was no email but there is now an email…. WebView creates another record for the same existing person and now they have 2 records and need to be merged. This created a terrible database mess. The system should allow you to accept or deny the changes prior to making a new record entirely.

3. ) You are unable to delete a gift if it was made in RENXT WebView.

  • I had an issue where we made a test gift for the first time, we decided to use the RENXT WebView form (HUGE MISTAKE) we wanted to delete the gift off the record because we revered the charge through BBMS as this was a test and was never intended to be on the constituent’s record as a gift. You are unable to delete the gift from the record, which causes a huge issue when you are trying to pull any type of revenue report because this gift, even though it was receipted as $0.00 pulls as a gift because that’s what is in the system and was approved in the system. The workaround was going into RE Database and opening the gift, choosing to adjust the gift to $0.00, and adding in a note as to why the gift is being zeroed out. Unfortunately, this gift will still pull but it will pull as a $0.00 instead of not existing anymore which would make more sense.

  • It would be nice to be able to delete a gift entirely if it was either: a gift made by mistake, a test gift on a new form, or a refunded gift.

  • Guest
  • Oct 4 2021
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    • Hanna Firestone commented
      October 08, 2021 18:36

      Honestly - it seems like a HUGE oversight that a gift entered through web-based view cannot be deleted. I have a gift that was entered with the wrong gift type, so it's now messing up my monthly reports I run. So now, it's adding in extra step for me any time I run a report instead of me being able to just delete a gift???? Why is it setup like this? Can this be changed?