Generate a map of queried constituents based on a zip code and radius

Before MapPoint went away, our traveling staff and alumni staff used it's radius feature weekly, if not daily, to find constituents within a radius of a zip code.  It's invaluable for traveling fund raising staff to see what other constituents are close to an anchor visit.  Also, for cancelled meetings, it would be valuable to see what constituents are close by (on the fly) for an impromptu visit.  For Alumni staff who plan events, it's equally as valuable to generate counts of constituents within a radius range.  

Raiser's Edge used to have MapPoint integration year's ago, but this functionality needs to be developed in the NXT environment.  

I could see this feature as an expansion of a List to allow the use to not only produce an electronic list, but also to push the listing to a map.

  • John Smith
  • Sep 6 2016
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    • Cammi Derr commented
      February 22, 2017 14:31

      Thanks Anthony, but there is a problem when you create a new list in that the grid icon is not displayed in the map view until you have saved the list.  There is no way to view the constituent list after you have selected an area on the map.

    • Deleted User commented
      February 22, 2017 14:24

      You can go back to the list view if you hit the grid icon that's next to the map icon in the tool bar. You don't have to save the list at all while switching between views. Inactive and Deceased shouldn't be mapped, we . We will be enhancing it over time so you can launch filters from the map without switching back and forth. Also, we're resolving the include inactive or deceased. Thanks for the feedback Cammi! 

    • Cammi Derr commented
      February 21, 2017 22:18

      How do you get back to the available filtering options from the map view if you start a list and select to filter with the map view before you have saved it?  I cannot find any way to toggle back to the options without saving the map first and then re-opening it.  Also, when you have to first save the map this way and then open it, the default saves the location filter, but it also saves with "Inactive" and "Deceased" selected.  I would think this should not be the default.

    • Jen Claudy commented
      September 07, 2016 13:39

      see also this thread in the Community