Yes, please! Our constituents have legal names, but we're only really families with (and use in communications) their preferred names which we manage with Primary Addressee/Salutation. Web View Lists are almost useless to use without this field for output. :(
Update please!
If Blackbaud want us to move away from database view then all fields should be accessed from webview lists. This is crucial for mailings, etc....
Please update this ASAP!
Agreed! This would be so helpful to manage portfolios.
Yes, please! Our constituents have legal names, but we're only really families with (and use in communications) their preferred names which we manage with Primary Addressee/Salutation. Web View Lists are almost useless to use without this field for output. :(
Please add this update - it would really help.
Yes, this is needed!
This would streamline mailings!
I'm with you! My staff ends up doing a bunch of manual work for mailings. This update really needs to be added.