Add "Event Type" and "Group" as a column options for the Events list.

For some reason, NXT does not display "Event Type" or "Event Group" information in the Event details or offer them as a column options for the Events list. This information is important in our event tracking, but we are forced to go to database view to find it.

  • Gary Cook
  • May 21 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
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    • Cindy Erwin commented
      August 30, 2021 16:12

      Please add this so my gift officers can see the groups of foursomes at our golf events or our tables of constituents at our gala. I am trying to get them to use NXT for more things that they can do themselves, but without the Group column in NXT, they still need someone else to tell them/run a report of who is grouped together.