Adding maiden name as an option for columns on a constituent list

It is very important to us to be able to identify our Alumnae, and as must be the case in so many educational institutions many women change their surname at some point in their life but their peers and teachers will always remember them as their maiden name. You can not add Maiden Name as a column currently on a constituent list and the advice was to use RE7. Can you please add this as a column option asap so we can develop our use of NXT?

  • Heather Eggelton
  • Dec 4 2020
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    11 Jun 19:05

    100% agree! Submitted this years ago and still nothing. How can I use NXT to export a list for a reunion group of 500 classmates without a maiden name column??

  • Miki Martin commented
    28 Feb 12:15
  • Michelle Moses commented
    05 Feb 17:59

    I agree with this request 100%! Former Name is critical to educational institutions, especially all girls' schools. Please reconsider adding Former Name to the column choices under lists.