This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit RENXT-I-2743 Ability to review event participants who are not auto-matched.
Similar to OLX Gift processing functionality, gift registration needs a holding place for new event registrants, so that the registration can manually be matched to the appropriate constituent. Currently, a majority of event registrants (utilizing the NXT event form registration platform) are creating duplicate records, as their registration information does not perfectly match the information in their constituent record.
I just had this conversation yesterday with a coworker who manages multiple events. The knowledge that we'll likely need to constantly deal with duplicates is a major hurdle for us when we consider using the event registration form feature in NXT. I'd love to see a holding tank, where someone on staff could easily confirm the matches rather than enable someone else to delete/merge duplicate records.
YES! Everyone has many emails, so the name matches, but the email does not, so registrations for free events are creating a ZILLION new constituent records in my database :-(
Most of our events are free--parent gatherings, etc.
How about if the SUSPECTED duplicates are held for confirmation in a batch??
Right now NXT shows them all as duplicates, so they are catching them.
I would rather approve them than delete lots of duplicate records every day. I would rather approve than delete because I don't want to give anyone else the power to delete constituent records in the database, but I can give lots of staff the ability to confirm the matches. It would help me staffing-wise.