Copy event registration form to another event

This would be helpful so we don't have to create an entire form from scratch. This was an option in Online Express and should be in RE NXT.

  • Guest
  • Jun 14 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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  • Lori Francisco commented
    07 Feb 19:07

    I concur with all comments here! Blackbaud please make this happen!

  • Jana Fross commented
    December 26, 2023 22:15

    I echo @Allison Phillips comment, "This definitely needs to happen. Blackbaud has really made improvements in the event module for NXT but this is a huge gap. Having to recreate branding styles for each event registration form is taking too much manual time and risk of manual errors when it should be a default value that can be set by the institution."

  • Evelyn Johnson commented
    January 10, 2023 16:28

    Please make this happen!

  • Michelle Wallenberg commented
    June 21, 2022 19:54

    Being able to copy event registration needs to be an option. Having to recreate the same event registration year after year when they are the exact same event, except for date changes is very time consuming when it could all be done with a copy option.

  • Katherine McCormick commented
    June 15, 2022 14:17

    this would be huge! It is very time consuming to have to recreate events that are duplicates each year, sometimes several times a year. I hope this one comes to fruition.

  • Allison Phillips commented
    February 24, 2022 20:01

    This definitely needs to happen. Blackbaud has really made improvements in the event module for NXT but this is a huge gap. Having to recreate branding styles for each event registration form is taking too much manual time and risk of manual errors when it should be a default value that can be set by the institution.

    Please help.

  • Maggie Sanborn commented
    February 09, 2022 16:22

    This would be great if you can save event forms as templates once branded too - it is so time consuming to recreate a form and email every event, especially if you are havivng the same event just on different dates.