Dynamically update exclusions from lists

When creating a list (A) in NXT and excluding another list (B) from it, if a new constituent is then created that meets the filter criteria of both A and B lists, they are not excluded from list A by virtue of also being part of list B. In other words, at the moment the list of excluded records from list A is not dynamically updated as constituents are are added to list B. Dynamically and automatically updating exclusions would be hugely helpful instead of manually re-excluding a list of records from a given list each time to update it.

  • Adam Rosenblatt
  • Sep 21 2020
  • Attach files
  • Jayme Fancher commented
    March 09, 2023 19:51

    100% I am trying to employ AddressFinder automation but MUST exclude certain demographics from my base. With AddressFinder running automatically but exclusions not, I cannot use the service.

  • Cathy Michitsch commented
    August 12, 2022 17:53

    I have to manually refresh these exclusions approx once a month on 20 constituent lists for Workflow purposes. A lot of time is wasted to do something that should be automated/dynamic. Thx! :)

  • Genevieve Wong commented
    July 15, 2022 14:06

    Thank you for the suggestion! I deploy multiple emails per campaign and I have to recreate the email list where list A need to exclude (B, C, D, E). It is extremely time consuming.

  • kathleen butz commented
    August 12, 2021 18:02

    I could not agree more. Especially when a list is applied to a Workflow