Need an "Approval Report" for Batches created in NXT
We need a report to summarize and confirm the completion of a batch in NXT, like the "Commit Control Report" created in Database View. Simply a button when we hit approve to print that report.
Any update yet from Blackbaud, as to them creating the function of generating at the least a commit and summary report for our finance department to obtain or is that off the table to address?
Please consider implementing a trigger to batches just approved in NXT to execute the commital report print window when the newly committed batch is opened in DBV.
Our org requires a batch report for each processed transaction. It would be extremely helpful if this report was created in NXT so that we aren't toggling back and forth between databases.
Our organization requires us to run/ export the Validation report and Commit report after we Commit each Batch- currently have to do this strictly in the DBV. I would LOVE to be able to start entering batch gifts in NXT, however I won’t be able to do that (and I’m sure many others) until I can also export the Commit report when doing so.
Yes, something that prints out confirming the process of the batch. In database view we always print the Batch Control Report. Something like this in NXT would be fabulous!
We also need this functionality so we can use NXT for batch entry.
Any update yet from Blackbaud, as to them creating the function of generating at the least a commit and summary report for our finance department to obtain or is that off the table to address?
Please implement this sooooon!
Our Finance team requires both the commit and summary reports. Please add, so we can use the batch function in RE NXT.
we require the Batch Report to reconcile against the daily bank statements - requirement by our Accountant and Auditors
Please consider implementing a trigger to batches just approved in NXT to execute the commital report print window when the newly committed batch is opened in DBV.
This is necessary for process improvement. Add please!!!
Yes, please add this functionality or something similar. This applies to everything Database view is able to do.
It's Q3 2023 and this is an issue for us to move to NXT giving forms or gift processing.
We need a commit report for each batch we process. Please consider adding this to NXT after approving a batch!
Our org requires a batch report for each processed transaction. It would be extremely helpful if this report was created in NXT so that we aren't toggling back and forth between databases.
Our organization requires us to run/ export the Validation report and Commit report after we Commit each Batch- currently have to do this strictly in the DBV. I would LOVE to be able to start entering batch gifts in NXT, however I won’t be able to do that (and I’m sure many others) until I can also export the Commit report when doing so.
Make sure it includes a field showing EFT Hard Rejects
This is what is keeping us from moving our batch gift entry from database to NXT. We really need this!
Yes, something that prints out confirming the process of the batch. In database view we always print the Batch Control Report. Something like this in NXT would be fabulous!
I agree. Our Acctg Department relies on this report for reconciliation.