Events: Work with participants in quick menu

I would love to see an ellipsis (...) menu beside Events that included "Work with participants" quick step. It's all everyone really wants to do in Events since webview doesn't really do much else useful; wouldn't it be nice to have it in a quick step instead of viewing a nearly useless event record to get to a link to work with participants?

  • Teddi Taylor
  • Mar 5 2020
  • Shipped
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    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      May 12, 2020 16:21

      Today we shipped an enhancement to the Event list that hyperlinks the statistics that show in the Registered, Invited and Attended fields directly into the Participant list. We don't currently want to take up real estate with an ellipses with only one item. These hyperlinks should allow you to have the same "quick-link" functionality and get you quickly directly into the participant list for an event, bypassing the event record itself.