Create a list/query from Address Finder results

Please add the ability to create a constituent list and/or query from address finder results. Currently you can only view an abbreviated list and export it to excel. This will help identify which constituents need clean-up (we check results for VIPs and current donors/relationships thoroughly). We also need to check whether the "no valid address" box needs to be checked/unchecked for all of the results.

  • Sunshine Reinken Watson
  • Oct 29 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Rebecca Goldfinger commented
    April 27, 2020 19:30

    This would be very helpful. And making the Constituent ID a column in the export file would be helpful, as well. And also making the particular problem a column in the export - right now, the problems are represented by numerical values, rather than what the numerical values represent, e.g., the "NCOA Footnote" field value is "2," rather than "No forwarding address provided," which is more descriptive and helpful.

  • Sarah Cronin commented
    November 14, 2019 13:32

    Yes please.  For us, I need to be able to identify changes to the addresses of current students and parents to notify our registrar.

    Our school's policy is to confirm address changes with current students and parents before making a change to our Education Management/CORE database, just in case there's an issue with separated parents, etc.

    My current workaround is to copy and paste the System Record IDs from the AddressFinder export into a query in database view to pull constituent codes, then add that information back to the AddressFinder export.  But this is cumbersome at best.