Improve the functionality of Insights on Analysis and Reporting on Raisers Edge

The functionality on Lists on RAisers Edge is preventing me from being able to use it effectively. It would be great if the following could be added:


- Option to change the Insight from bar chart to table so you can display information in different ways

- Option to filter 'recurring gifts' insight so that it allows us to just see active recurring gifts. 

- The option to show Pledge Outstanding Balance on Appeal Performance so you can see a true reflection of how well your campaign is doing (currently it adds up Cash Received and Pledges but doesn't take into account that some of the Pledges figure might have been paid off)

  • Guest
  • Aug 20 2019
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    • Bob Devine commented
      January 09, 2020 16:36

      Does the functionality/performance vary if you are using the API to access the data vs. the UI? Thanks.