Lists / Opportunities: Stop treating Blanks and $0 the same, give us better filters for blank fields

If Amount Asked/Funded/Expected is set to blank, it appears as $0 on the funding details tile. If the Amount is set to $0, it appears blank in a List.

$0 and empty/blank are NOT the same.

An opportunity created with the Amount fields cleared out means it is impossible to filter specifically those Opportunities in a List. Our back office thinks the fundraisers haven't created the opportunity, the fundraisers are confused about why the back office isn't giving them credit. We created Lists based on Ask/Expected/Funded dates and amounts to filter out the opportunities that are incomplete, and for QA purposes (to make sure the status has changed, for example).

Coming up on end of year reporting, we're discovering a number of missing data points because we didn't realize the disconnect in Lists vs. Opportunity fields.

  • Keri Barnhart
  • Jun 13 2019
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