Exclude Event Registration Fees from Lifetime Giving & Gift Lists in NXT

We need to be able to exclude event registration fees from Gift Lists and from the Lifetime Giving Summary.  We don't consider registration fees gifts and it does not provide a realistic report of someone's giving history.  Event registration fees reflect their level of engagement with us.  Is there any way to exclude these or to add a way to include/exclude at an organization's discretion?  In the database view, we code these with a gift subtype of Event so we can exclude them easily in database view.  However, our Development Officers work solely in NXT and the lifetime giving they see or the gift lists include these amounts.  If you can add a filter option in NXT for Gift Subtype, that would resolve the event registration issue for us but it would be nice if there were a toggle feature available to everyone so we don't have to go to that extent of adding a gift subtype.  We just need a good way to easily exclude these amounts when we need to.  I'm sure there are others with the same dilemma.

  • Gwen Williams
  • Apr 5 2019
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