Want filters for Overview modules on Work Center

Want the ability to customize the results reflected for gifts, proposals, actions, and goals on the overview page.

All are reflecting old data in their totals. I just want current year. Showing everything is not useful for fundraisers trying to manage their proposal for the current year.

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  • Feb 26 2016
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    • Hillary Cote commented
      February 19, 2024 19:19

      I wish there were filters on the dashboards here like in database view dashboards - those are so versatile!
      My gift officers initially loved seeing the opportunities by status bar graph. However - it became obsolete because there was no way to look at this for a specific time period. Gift officers don't want to know about all of their accepted opportunities. They want to know FY or CY to date. So they no longer use the dashboard.
      If the dashboards had the SAME type of filters as database view - filters within each panel AND the ability to filter on queries and lists, then I think this dashboard would be more useful.
      I, personally, like that clicking into the different tabs shows gifts to records within a portfolio but not necessarily assigned to a solicitor; or opportunities assigned to a record within a portfolio but not necessarily assigned to a solicitor. To me, this makes sense - as the prospect manager - you would want to know if your prospect made a gift, or if another gift officer created a proposal/opportunity on a record you are working with. My team likes this - some of them have trouble with the filters, but maybe they could just be a little more obvious.
      Actually: I find that NXT's attempt to be sleek (hiding all of the filter options) makes it a little harder for staff to locate the filter buttons, and then they contact me for support.

    • Milly Whittington commented
      June 05, 2020 13:08

      Our fundraisers sometimes share a constituent. The overview shows both fundraisers' actions, gifts, overdue pledges, not just the one fundraiser's information. That means they have to filter each tab to reflect their work. Need to add filters to the Overview tab!

    • Jennifer Broadwell commented
      August 18, 2016 16:32

      Absolutely agree.  The opportunities chart on the overview page is completely useless because it shows ALL proposals on ALL records where the DO is a solicitor.  This means proposals are showing up from years ago that this DO did not submit.  This is not helpful whatsoever.  They need the option to filter only on their proposals.  Also for reporting purposes, I cannot use this chart in any way because it shows a submitted vs funded comparison which is completely skewed.  Also - the opportunities tab is counting in the same way.  There may be 10 PAST proposals on a record and 5 new ones a DO submitted, so it will show their opportunities as "15."  Please please please fix this!!!!!