Lapsed, Lapsing, and Lost Tags should include Soft Credits

The calculations to determine if a constituent is a lapsed, lapsing, or lost, should include soft credits.  That is the primary reason why soft credits are used is to show they are not lapsed or lost.  It goes against your goal of 'helping us focus on relationships that need attention." It renders the Needs Attention section useless to our fundraisers. Please, either fix this, or create a customizable option for your clients to choose for themselves to include soft credits or not.

  • Tina Wikner
  • Feb 3 2016
  • Shipped
  • Feb 24, 2017

    Admin response

    We shipped these improvements so it will now factor in soft credits for tags. Please let us know if you have feedback. Please note this does not include the analyze section which is looking at hard credits only at this time. 

  • Attach files
  • Beth Martz commented
    February 24, 2017 16:21

    So are there plans to update or provide the option to include soft credits in the analyze section.  We often generate lists from that section and to have conflicting information might prove confusing.

  • Angela Bertrand commented
    June 16, 2016 16:12

    We use soft credits heavily with the general rule that hard credit goes to whomever would get the tax receipt and the soft credit goes to the actual donor. For example, donor advised funds. The DAF gets the hard credit and the donor gets the soft credit. We haven't lost the donor, they just give via a Advised Fund. Similarly, we can't track if the DAF is lapsing because we have multiple donors using the same funds sometimes. 

  • Guest commented
    February 25, 2016 19:25

    I'd like to have an option to hide the "needs attention" section altogether. Please let me know if I should create a new "idea" for this.

  • Jen Claudy commented
    February 03, 2016 23:22

    Preferably the last part...the more customized each db can be to the org, the better.