Query zip codes to include four digit extensions.

Went to create a query of zip codes in my county to create a specialized mailing list. Discovered that since a majority of my zip codes have the four digit extensions (thanks to NXT's AddressFinder), if I tried to pull "Zip code one of" it only pulls the constituents that have the five digit stand alone zip. Because of the non-sequential aspect of the zips in our county, knowledgbase's suggestion to filter by beginning/ending value isn't useful, and trying to find a list of four digit extensions for each zip code was time consuming and yielded too many results to be helpful. It would be great if there was a way to query one of and include a way to say starts with for the zip codes so it includes all the extensions. Right now, I'm having to pull individual queries of "zip code starts with" for each zip code, then merging all the queries to have one list of constituents in the county. There should be an easier way to pull those without needing to know the 900 different extensions for each individual zip code.

  • Guest
  • Aug 29 2018
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  • Devan Caton commented
    April 03, 2019 18:45

    Yes, some kind of utility for querying by first 5 digits would be very helpful.  We assign a lot of things by ZIP at our org (including all of our solicitors/fundraisers).  It creates a lot of manual work not being able to work around the ZIP extensions.