NXT - Mapping - Use fuzzy search or city/zip code in Bing Maps for unmatched/not found addresses

Our UK based RE database has thousands of international addresses that we cannot "clean" using data cleaning services. Recently I tried to use the mapping tool in NXT to find alumni in Beijing. In RE7 the query said we had 497 alumni in that city. The NXT map said we had 11. (I think) the reason for this was that Bing Maps could not find the street level addresses that we have in our data. Mailings are getting to these people but the formats supplied to us by the alumni are not recognised by either Google maps of Bing maps.

It would be really useful if NXT is able to resort to fuzzy matching on city, country and postcode/zip code in these cases where an initial match is not found so that the list is complete for users rather than excluding these altogether.

  • Keith Scott
  • Feb 23 2017
  • Attach files
  • Paris Thibault commented
    May 06, 2021 18:15

    We've discovered that US territories also do not consistently match in the mapping feature and there seems to be nothing to explain why certain addresses match appropriately and others end up all over the map (and not just in Kansas) - like Nebraska, Washington, California, Illinois, Arkansas, etc.

  • Chris Clements commented
    February 20, 2020 16:20

    Google Geocoding API provides much better matching - why not use that rather than Bing?

  • Tammy Yugin commented
    March 01, 2017 15:41

    That would be amazing - including for UK addresses that only have the city and not the full address