See overdue pledges from tag

You give us a tag that a pledge is overdue but then the constituent window does not show pledge balances. If you open the "work with gifts" you can see pledge balances but if a person has multiple pledges you can't tell which is overdue. There really should be a way to click on the tag (or somewhere) and have it bring up the pledges it found that are overdue.

  • Melissa Graves
  • Aug 20 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
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    • Elaine Montgomery commented
      January 10, 2019 21:27

      Thanks, Jarod! Would this idea correlate with the dashboard builder? Or,
      just on individual records? I will vote for it regardless :)

    • Melissa Graves commented
      August 20, 2018 15:58

      OR at least allow me to add in the "next payment due" field and make it turn red if overdue or something.