Add list filter for gifts with pledge balance

We'd like to be able to see a list of all pledges that are unpaid - whether they are overdue or now. Right now it only allows us to see a list of overdue pledges.

  • Tamar Novick
  • Jul 28 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Gifts / Lists
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    • Sunshine Reinken Watson commented
      June 21, 2024 15:35

      This is much needed!

    • Elise Lipoff Mayer commented
      June 21, 2024 15:35

      We need this in order to do our reporting. It's crucial to our business processes. thank you,

    • Elaine Strommen commented
      June 21, 2024 15:34

      we need this!

    • Art Bryman commented
      July 31, 2023 22:11

      We still need "pledge balance" as a gift list filter and column. This is NOT the same as "Overdue pledges" filter.

    • Wendy Dann-Marcel commented
      March 15, 2022 14:43

      This is really needed. I need a dynamic list that removes the pledges that were already paid and keep the ones that aren't or partially paid.

    • Carla Weiland-Zaleznak commented
      December 14, 2021 15:07

      Please do this!

    • Shannon Muir commented
      March 04, 2021 18:23

      This would be super helpful!

    • Blake Moody commented
      November 15, 2017 13:01

      Yes! At this time of year we do a mailing to all people with a balance unless their gift is set for EFT. Even if they are set for no reminders. Many of or users have asked to see the list to know who they want to contact, and it makes perfect sense to let them create a list in NXT so they can filter and sort and see who they want to personally reach out to or track.

      Having a filter for Balance greater than 0 would allow our users to track these gifts real time and interact.

      Side note:  We can't see the EFT field (filters or columns), so we can't quickly determine if the person with a balance already is setup to pay it off. We wouldn't contact those donors.