Report of Cash/Pay Cash & Pledges

Currently under Fundraising > Analyze you can view reports by two revenue types: received and committed. This report can result in skewed data since received includes pay-cash/pledge payments from prior fiscal years in addition to new cash/donations received in the current fiscal year. The committed report shows a more accurate number, however omits all straightforward cash/donation gift types. Would love to see a report that would allow the user to view overall revenue by date range with a hybrid of pledge (with balances adjusting) and cash/pay-cash to match database view reports.

  • Guest
  • Jul 31 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Matthew Nareff commented
      August 14, 2018 16:54

      I would love it if it could include pledge installments.  We're in a big campaign and donors make multiple year pledges.  You can't widen the date range because then you get gifts and payments due in those years as well.  This is more of a cash flow thing.  If we want to pull pledges due we don't necessarily want to see the entire pledge just the installment(s) due in the date range.