Show Total Committed (include Pledges) in Nonprofit Intelligence Dashboards

We track our fundraising efforts primarily as how much money have we raised in a total of cash and pledges. As beautiful and interactive as NPI is, we aren't able to fully roll it out because it doesn't show us where we are at.

Our YMCA is on accrual basis for fundraising both in RE, and in our general ledger.

  • Blake Moody
  • May 12 2016
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    • xochitl nisbet commented
      October 27, 2017 17:05

      Advancement progress performance is not based on cash received- that should be an option for FE NXT bot RE NXT. Here we need the ability to monitor our progress on giving specific to our campaign- and this is cumulative giving which includes RECURRING GIFT. A huge portion of our revenue is labeled as RECURRING GIFT and these do not have Recurring Gift-Payment because there is no pledged amount- it just continues indefinitely. We are unable to change that gift type in order to make these reports work for us. Why can't we have the same gift type filter options from the database view?????

    • Julie Davis commented
      September 14, 2016 15:51

      I think this is a great first step.  It would be helpful to be able to select if we want to include Cash and Pledge contributions or Cash and Pay-Cash.  Depending on my audience for reporting, they want different things. This flexibility would be very helpful!

    • Guest commented
      September 09, 2016 12:54

      Will we also be able to select for soft credit inclusion?

    • Deleted User commented
      September 08, 2016 20:04

      Thanks Blake! We did just implement it yesterday. We will be following up with a configuration for committed and received so always listening for how deep we need to go there. Thanks for the feedback already.

    • Blake Moody commented
      September 08, 2016 19:58

      So although I see this as "Likely to Implement" I know that as of yesterday there is now a drop down in Analyze/Sky Reporting to select Received/Committed.

      Glad this is there and this was what was needed to start using it!

      I noticed that the roadmap says BB plans to allow for customization on what gift types to include. We track our performance on our goal including pledges, at the end of the year we do a lot of write-offs for unpaid pledges. Our current practice is to count write-offs in committed, but not in received. I would love to see the "Committed" field be able to be defined. Our reports in RE are setup to total all gift types (except Recurring Gift Template) but only use pledge balance. I think the new feature of Received/Committed is great but not perfect.

    • Katja Thomakos commented
      August 03, 2016 13:19

      Please, please, please implement this! Showing a dashboard of received gifts to my board does nothing for explaining how much we've raised this FY! Having the option to choose raised OR received gifts would be great.

    • Blake Moody commented
      July 29, 2016 17:35

      This idea can be merged with idea:

      I also think that it would be great to roll this out sooner than later since many users are not finding the Sky Reporting dashboards (Analyze/Non Profit Intelligence) usable. BBCon 2015 was when this was previewed and I am still surprised that this is not built in yet. I know that this was mentioned on the roadmap webinar a couple of weeks ago.

      Would be more than happy to be a part of any discovery on this.

    • Guest commented
      July 12, 2016 16:05

      I agree that pledged revenue NEEDS to be included in the Analyze dashboards, but I would want to see the pledged amount by FY so that for a particular FY it only showed pledged revenue to be received that year (by installment date). Just pulling in pledges made in a FY will actually skew the numbers in the wrong direction for us. So, say John Doe makes a $3 million pledge over 3 years, I only want the $1 million installment for this year to be included.

    • Guest commented
      June 24, 2016 20:32

      Major Up Vote from me!

    • Guest commented
      June 15, 2016 14:47

      Agree with the rest. These features are useless to us until pledges are included.

    • Katie Schroeder commented
      June 09, 2016 14:27

      Agreed, agreed, agreed. Everything everyone else has said!  We cannot roll this out until we're able to modify gift type.

    • Guest commented
      June 01, 2016 17:56

      I concur.  We base our campaign on total cash, planned gifts and pledges.  We will not be able to allow any of our users to run campaign reports - and we are in the middle of our $50Million Campaign.

      Please reconsider allowing the DBA to determine what gift types to include in campaign.

    • Blake Moody commented
      June 01, 2016 15:09

      I just realized that even outside of Analyze and NPI, there is a lot of "Revenue Received" total or columns, and comparing that to goals. So it looks like this is an NXT thing not a NPI issue.

      I LOVE these dashboards and they ALMOST accomplish so much of our users needs for tracking their campaign. This will replace a lot of my efforts and time on this work, but will not roll these out until it has "Total Committed" that includes pledges.

    • Guest commented
      May 26, 2016 14:19

      Well - I very much want the option to include or exclude pledges! Although sometimes I also very much need to report on what's "in the door."

    • Guest commented
      May 26, 2016 14:02

      I want this so badly. I was so excited to see how robust these new dashboards were, especially being able to see what data created a portion of a graphic, but was so disappointed when I realized pledges weren't counted. Most fundraisers want to see how much is committed to a goal rather than just cash in the door. Please Blackbaud, as a lover of your product, put this as your top priority when it comes to NPI!