Show a sum for Gift lists in NXT

Currently gift lists will not sum the list in NXT. If lists could be exported to Excel this would not be so bad but there is no facility to do this either.

  • Nic Capp
  • Dec 17 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Katie Beilfuss commented
      July 24, 2024 16:09

      THIS! It is great to get the number of gifts total on an NXT gift list, but would be SO MUCH MORE USEFUL if it also gave the total of all the gifts on the list. please please please.

    • T Howe commented
      September 01, 2020 15:42

      You already show the number of gifts in the list at the top. Just add the sum of the gifts, please. Currently we have to export to Excel to calculate the sum.

    • Anne Monell commented
      May 07, 2020 14:05

      Please add this functionality, it would make NXT and lists so much more useful.

    • Matthew Nareff commented
      September 25, 2018 12:20

      I would say this is exactly the type of thing NXT should be providing.  It's much more intuitive than the database so it would be nice if there were total fields you can add to any lists, counts are already available at the top after filtering but total giving, average, etc.  would be great to select just as you can select which fields/columns to show to add to each list.

    • Mallory Gilbert commented
      September 09, 2016 16:18

      Hey Nic, you can save lists as a static query in the database and export from there.  It does look like our team has marked this idea as likely to implement so sounds like its on their radar but maybe exporting the query would work for now.

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