I need to see the constituent ID when searching for a record. We are four regions using the same database. We need the ID to determine the correct record. I have been asking this question for a while with no response. We cannot use NXT without this feature. Please advise and thank you.
We just upgraded to RENXT and I've wasted at least an hour searching for how to add the constituent ID to the display. It's inexcusable that for the cost of this platform that it's not possible 6 years after this post was made. FIX IT, PLEASE! What is the problem!!?
We are just transitioning to NXT and I was very surprised to see that this is not already being done. Blackbaud, please start listing the Constituent ID next to the name! We should not have to search for it.
I imagine Blackbaud are, ideologically, trying to move away from Constituent IDs as the single source of truth in RE NXT - they certainly aren't nearly as prevalent as in Database View. But, for usability and collaboration, they are absurdly useful.
I need to see the constituent ID when searching for a record. We are four regions using the same database. We need the ID to determine the correct record. I have been asking this question for a while with no response. We cannot use NXT without this feature. Please advise and thank you.
We just upgraded to RENXT and I've wasted at least an hour searching for how to add the constituent ID to the display. It's inexcusable that for the cost of this platform that it's not possible 6 years after this post was made. FIX IT, PLEASE! What is the problem!!?
I would also like to see the constituent ID displayed next to the name when you select a record also, not just in the search results
you need to combine RENXT-I-3707 into this idea
I agree. Blackbaud seems to underrate the importance of Constituent ID.
We are just transitioning to NXT and I was very surprised to see that this is not already being done. Blackbaud, please start listing the Constituent ID next to the name! We should not have to search for it.
Yes Please!
I imagine Blackbaud are, ideologically, trying to move away from Constituent IDs as the single source of truth in RE NXT - they certainly aren't nearly as prevalent as in Database View. But, for usability and collaboration, they are absurdly useful.
Yes, we'd like to see all searching abilities are kept in NXT as they are available in database view, like by ID, email, wildcard etc.
yes please!!!!! This would be so much more efficient
This would be extremely useful - it gives you an idea of the age of the record