Seach by Email Address

Currently you can only search by a person's name, but sometimes you receive an email from someone who only references themselves by their first name. Being able to search by email (like we can in database view) would be a help to our fundraisers.

  • Daniel Bayer
  • Nov 4 2015
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    • Sunshine Watson commented
      August 18, 2016 21:58
    • Jarod Bonino commented
      August 18, 2016 19:38

      Yes please do! If the inability to search by partial email address and or use wildcard characters are things that you feel are impacting your ability to use the product successfully, we'd love to hear about it and see just how many users share that sentiment! Feature prioritization is tricky at times and it certainly helps to see just how much impact a particular feature might have on our user base when prioritizing. I thought an idea existing for wildcard searching, but I cannot find it right now. It's certainly on our radar but it won't hurt to add it here.

    • Sunshine Watson commented
      August 18, 2016 19:31

      Thanks! Should we start a new idea?

    • Jarod Bonino commented
      August 18, 2016 19:26

      Thanks Jen! My mistake. I should have included that caveat.

      For now we are requiring the full formatted email address in order to search by this field. I completely understand the desire to search for any and all fields using wildcards and "Starts with" functionality. We will eventually be looking at implementing a more advanced search feature in RE NXT, but until then we wanted to at least provide some relief for the highly requested items. In order to do that, we had to make some sacrifices in order to prevent impacting performance, which we firmly believe is an extremely important part of search.

      @Sunshine Watson: I am sorry to hear you don't find the feature useful in its current form. I certainly hope you can understand the reason we implemented it that way for now. 

    • Sunshine Watson commented
      August 18, 2016 19:16

      It really isn't  helpful if you have to type in the entire email address to do the search.

    • Jen Claudy commented
      August 18, 2016 19:13

      Still only works if  you type in the entire email address.  And no wildcards.

    • Jarod Bonino commented
      August 18, 2016 19:13

      Thanks to everyone that contributed toward this idea. I'm happy to announce that we shipped this feature yesterday afternoon so you should now be able to search for your constituents by email address! More information to come in the in product help "What's New" panel on Tuesday. 

    • Jen Claudy commented
      February 05, 2016 15:56

      I have the same results as long as I type the full email address, it comes up.  Does not work for phone numbers or websites, though.

    • Tina Wikner commented
      February 04, 2016 00:53

      It seems to be working for me if I put in the complete email address, maybe it's something they've added recently?  I'd also like the search by address lines option, but I think that would need to be able to do partial searches (&/or search with wildcards) to be helpful.

    • Nancy Hartman commented
      November 06, 2015 17:05

      A more robust search in general, search by address, zip or combination of